Wednesday 21 October 2015

The Bamenda University UBa:

The Bamenda University UBa:

Bamenda University is An Anglo-Saxon Institution

Anglo-Saxons is the name collectively applied to the descendants of the Germanic people who settled in Britain between the late 4th and early 7th cents. and to their ancestors. Their backgrounds varied. Some came as mercenaries, others as invaders. They included, besides Angles and Saxons, Jutes and other groups. Some had experience of Frankish Gaul and hence some acquaintance with Roman institutions and culture. The eventual use of the name ‘English’ and ‘England’ for people and territory probably owes something to the influence of Bede, whose History of the English People dealt with the whole. He followed Pope Gregory I, who knew the people as Angles.

Why is the University of Bamenda called An Anglo-Saxon University
The University of Bamenda is referred to as an Anglo-Saxon University because it is set purely on premises of the Anglo-Saxon tradition. First, this has to do with the language of instruction. Unlike other state universities in Cameroon, The Buea and Bamenda universities use English language as the language of instruction. The English culture is scrupulously adhered and maintained. Although the French language is taught to students of the first cycle, this however, is principally to maintain the bilingual nature of the country Cameroon. Courses at The University of Bamenda are taught and evaluated in the English language. 

Moreover, it is important to mention before proceeding that in addition to the five papers Ordinary Levels and at least two Advanced Level papers requirement for one to be admitted at the University of Bamenda, Ordinary Level English language is primordial. Anglophone Students who are envisage to make Bamenda University their next destination must have had English language at the Ordinary Level.

Friday 16 October 2015

Wednesday 7 October 2015

The Pride of the Anglophone Cameroonians

The creation of the Bamenda University in 2010 came as a huge relieve to most Anglophone Cameroonians. The University has brought joy and hope to the majority of the people in the North West Region of Cameroon. It has brought hope to people whom at one point felt marginalized. Although the intake at times is questionable, but the fact that the main language of instruction is English makes the Anglophones feel comfortable in their little huts.

Infrastructural wise, a lot still has to be done to uplift the standard of the university. There has been a lot of construction work. Lecture hall, hostels, conference centres are all priority of Vice Chancellor.

New Academic Year at UBa

The new academic year 2015/2016) promises to be hectic at the University of Bamenda (UBa). The higher institute of learning opens up new faculties and looks forward to embracing about 15 thousand students this academic year. Three important faculties have seen the light of day notably; the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Law and Political sciences and the Faculty of Economic and Management. Although the Deans and Heads of Departments of these faculties are yet to be known, the admission office is busy receiving files from applicants who are streaming in from all over the national territory. 

Meanwhile, the existing Schools are equally preparing to receive freshmen and women after the results of the entrance examination will be made known. The Entrance examinations of almost all the professional school have been written and await results of successful candidates. Colleges and schools of the university are preparing to effective kick start with classes by mid October with levels 100 and 400. Effective classes for level 200 and 500 began on the 14th of September, 2015 while the level 300 were preparing for Teaching Practice that started on the 21st of September. Form the above, it is evident that there will be a lot of work to be done especially on the part of lecturers who will have to divide their time between schools and faculties and Teaching Practice evaluation. UBa obosso…  

Sunday 4 October 2015

The Bamenda University UBa: The City of the Future

The Bamenda University UBa: The City of the Future: Bamenda University neighborhood (Tubah Subdivision) rapidly gaining grounds and popularity in the Bamenda cosmopolitan city. With the l...

A Building Collapsed at Atuniba Quarter in Bambui

The Bamenda University and the construction of Hostels to accommodate students. 
There is a mad rush to acquire, erect and accommodate the growing population in this vicinity. This is sometime done with substandard material in a bit to maximise profit and to meet up with the urgent demand. With the advent of the newly created University of Bamenda, businessmen and women are grapping this opportunity to make some extra cash from what is commonly referred to as 'Mini Cite' or students' hostels. It is unfortunate to note that a mad rush of this nature comes with a lot of hurdles and misfortune for some. This is the case of a fifty-four rooms uncompleted hostel which crumbled some two months ago at Atuniba quarter. 

It is important to note that this unfortunate incident happened on a faithful Sunday morning at about 10am GMT local time. The good new however, is that no life was lost. It is needless to say it was a huge cost of materials damage.

The turning point of the whole drama was the visit of top government officials including the governor of the region. And the consoling part of the tragedy to both students and the inhabitants of the locality is that appropriate measures have been put in place to check on the quality of materials used for construction henceforth. LONG LIVE CAMEROON