Wednesday 7 October 2015

New Academic Year at UBa

The new academic year 2015/2016) promises to be hectic at the University of Bamenda (UBa). The higher institute of learning opens up new faculties and looks forward to embracing about 15 thousand students this academic year. Three important faculties have seen the light of day notably; the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Law and Political sciences and the Faculty of Economic and Management. Although the Deans and Heads of Departments of these faculties are yet to be known, the admission office is busy receiving files from applicants who are streaming in from all over the national territory. 

Meanwhile, the existing Schools are equally preparing to receive freshmen and women after the results of the entrance examination will be made known. The Entrance examinations of almost all the professional school have been written and await results of successful candidates. Colleges and schools of the university are preparing to effective kick start with classes by mid October with levels 100 and 400. Effective classes for level 200 and 500 began on the 14th of September, 2015 while the level 300 were preparing for Teaching Practice that started on the 21st of September. Form the above, it is evident that there will be a lot of work to be done especially on the part of lecturers who will have to divide their time between schools and faculties and Teaching Practice evaluation. UBa obosso…  

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